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现代有机合成试剂 第三卷 epub 下载地址 网盘 在线 2024

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现代有机合成试剂 第三卷书籍详细信息
  • ISBN:9787122321282
  • 作者:胡跃飞 谢伟松,边馥萍主编 
  • 出版社:化学工业出版社
  • 出版时间:2018-10
  • 页数:538
  • 价格:158.00元
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2024-08-19 20:40:03


第三卷秉承《现代有机合成试剂》的特点,筛选新试剂365种,介绍试剂的基本信息,如:中文名称;英文名称;化学结构式;化学经验式;分子量;CAS登录号;简单介绍试剂的制备方法;试剂的物理性质;储存方式;安全注意事项。 重点介绍试剂在有机合成中正确和巧妙的运用,特别强调它们独特的化学性质和能力。主要通过典型的应用实例进行表述,其中5个代表性的应用实例用反应方程式详细地表达出来,并简要地反映出反应的溶剂、温度、时间和产率。后是引用的化学文献目录。











【物理性质】 无色液体。 mp 40 °C …



第三卷秉承《现代有机合成试剂》的特点,筛选新试剂365种,介绍试剂的基本信息,如:中文名称;英文名称;化学结构式;化学经验式;分子量;CAS登录号;简单介绍试剂的制备方法;试剂的物理性质;储存方式;安全注意事项。 重点介绍试剂在有机合成中正确和巧妙的运用,特别强调它们独特的化学性质和能力。主要通过典型的应用实例进行表述,其中5个代表性的应用实例用反应方程式详细地表达出来,并简要地反映出反应的溶剂、温度、时间和产率。后是引用的化学文献目录。



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  • 上一门农业课写的书评

    作者:annezhang 发布时间:2012-02-14 16:20:51

            After one week of patiently waiting for four supermarket tomatoes to ripen, Thomas Pawlick wound up his arm like a major league baseball player and lobbed one into his backyard fence. Expecting the tomato to splatter and make a gooey mess, he stood amazed as it “bounce[d] off, undamaged, like a not-very-springy, red tennis ball.” It is Pawlick's curiosity about the origins of "tennis ball tomatoes" that inspires this book.

            In The End of Food, Pawlick exposes a myriad of problems not only with tomatoes, but with many of the fruits, vegetables, and meats that form the basic North American diet. His objective is to uncover the cause of the modern food crisis - industrialized food production - and to propose a solution: “acts of subversion” by consumers.

            As a Canadian investigative science journalist with more than 30 years experience and a part-time farmer, Pawlick is justifiably competent in addressing this subject. He does a good job in raising consumers’ awareness of the problems of our industrialized agri-food system and calling for collective action to catalyze reform. Pawlick spends three-fourths of the book uncovering the problems caused by today’s dysfunctional food system. He portrays the corporate, factory-farm food system as “dark and satanic.” His criticisms are familiar: it decreases the nutritional quality and taste of the food we eat, fills food with toxins and poisons, degrades the land and the environment, tortures the animals it “manufactures” and destroys family farmers and rural communities.

            Pawlick particularly cares about consumers’ health and food safety issues. He draws a terrifying picture of how foods produced by an industrialized system could threaten a person’s life. He notes that the American tomato has lost 16.9 percent of its vitamin C since 1963, the potato has lost 57 percent and the broccoli has lost fully 45 percent of this crucial nutrient. Other nutrients, such as vitamin A, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorous etc., have also decreased substantially. A lack of any of these nutrients could be detrimental. Shortages of vitamin C could cause scurvy. A lack of vitamin A may lead to blindness. And the result of iron deficiency would be life-threatening anemia.

            Moreover, Pawlick tells readers that “the little extras,” such as antibiotics, acrylamide, arsenic and bovine growth hormones, etc. that are added to food in order to increase yield, prevent diseases in plants and animals, or prolong the shelf life of food, in other words, to maximize profit, could be extremely harmful to human health. By citing scientific research he notes that acrylamide, found in potato chips, French fries, and other processed foods, and excessive bovine growth hormone, can both cause cancer. Pawlick also takes the cases of mad cow disease in Britain and E.coli outbreaks in California spinach as demonstrative of how the current food system continually reproduces new problems and why we should care about what we put into our mouths.

            The End of Food presents this dire scenario not by armchair theorizing, but by selected scientific statistics and facts. Heavy footnotes throughout the book provide evidence of tremendous research even if it is selective and some might say, arguably biased. However, he makes a very persuasive argument that our food is toxic and unsafe by drawing upon studies across the world and citing academic papers, conference speeches, books and various news reports.

                This book is not merely a bland synthesis of facts and research. Pawlick's credibility is enhanced by the fact that he is not only a journalist, but also a part-time organic farmer. He possesses a journalist's talent for describing personal knowledge and experience in an engaging way. He also has a farmer's understanding of and passion for agriculture. He successfully blends a personal story telling style with a farmer’s knowledge and concern. One story about his ex-neighbor in Quebec effectively demonstrates to readers how large-scale, mechanized, monoculture-based farming contaminated a river, killed fish, degraded the soil and eliminated the biodiversity of the land.

            He also interviewed scientific experts, food market specialists and industrial spokespersons to find out what characteristics make a tomato variety popular with growers. Yield is, of course, the primary concern in choosing a variety. Surprisingly, neither nutritional value nor taste is on the list. Pawlick is trying to paint a picture that the current food system is a profit-making tool for a small group of big corporations and their executives, which puts the majority of consumers and small farmers at peril.

            Are there any solutions? Yes.

            Not simply interested in sounding an alarm bell and ending the book with a tale of gloom and doom, Pawlick advocates a rebellion against the current food system. He promotes consumer behavioral changes, which are, in his words, “actions of subversion.” The first and easiest act of subversion is planting a backyard garden, using heritage seeds and organic growing methods. For those who cannot grow their own food, Pawlick suggests participating in community or urban gardening and buying food from a local farmer’s market. Again, there is not much new here if you are familiar with this growing body of literature. But, he goes on to urge people to think critically about their food system and encourages grassroots power to boycott food companies that ignore human health and hurt the environment and to lead campaigns against large corporations. He believes grassroots campaigns can eventually influence the entire direction of government policy in food production.

            Pawlick has effectively achieved his goals to show the detrimental effects of the modern food industry and to raise consumer awareness so that individuals will take actions against the current food system. However, he does not build a connection between his solutions and contemporary agri-food scholarship. A number of social scientists are studying and promoting local food movements. Scholarship reveals that consumption can be a form of politics and encourages consumers to participate in the formation of the industry through a process of reflexive consumption. If Pawlick set his argument upon such research, his thesis would be stronger.

    The solution Pawlick suggests - to reclaim the food system through localization - may be too simplistic and ridden with problems. For example, he does not take a critical look at the localism solution he advocates. He believes that thinking and fighting locally can lead people to "take back control of our own food supply, our own meal and our own humanity". The author is overly optimistic about the power of the local food movement to defeat profit-driven food corporations. Many scholars argue that local food system may exacerbate social inequality and lead to defensive localism. There is nothing inherent in spatial relations that negate inequality. His book would have been more persuasive if he critically assessed the desire for localism among its advocates and proposed ways to foster its strengths and circumvent its weaknesses.

            Despite these shortcomings, The End of Food is written in accessible and engaging language and covers a variety of topics in food and agriculture including food nutrition, sustainable agriculture, food safety, rural community development, and gardening. It is a book that could reach a broad audience. For undergraduate students studying community, food and agriculture, environmental sociology, or environmental/social problems focusing on food system, this book could be a good supplemental reading. For individuals who feel strongly about their food quality, safety, and community well-being, it will be a useful guide. For those interested in planting a garden of their own, they will find this book deserves a place on their bookcase because it contains a useful list of resources about organic gardening in the final chapter. Food advocates could also use the book as educational material for their food campaigns.

            Overall, The End of Food is a book worth reading especially for people who care about what they eat and how our food is produced.


    Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 25(1), 2010, pp. 132–134.

    Copyright © by the Southern Rural Sociological Association

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