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工程造价概论 txt 下载地址 网盘 在线 2024

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  • ISBN:9787560634234
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:暂无出版时间
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:25.00元
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
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  • 更新时间:2024-08-02 02:50:02






















  • 作者: 我们都在树上 发布时间:2021-01-01 21:48:25





  • 作者: oholagapsong~ 发布时间:2012-01-24 05:54:28


  • 作者: 雪豹跳跳 发布时间:2024-01-27 20:25:15


  • 作者: 。。。。 发布时间:2020-10-18 15:58:11


  • 作者: AlonsoQuijano 发布时间:2014-02-13 14:29:38




  • The bowl is broken...

    作者:karenwy 发布时间:2008-12-15 21:40:41

    The Golden Bowl

    Before I read this book, I have already seen the film adapted from this novel.Uma Thurman played Charlotte and Jeremy Northam played Prince Amerigo, the director is James Ivory who is famous for his adaption from the great works of the English literature such as“The Europeans (1979)” and“The Bostonians (1984)”of 'Henry James , “Jane Austen in Manhattan (1980)” of Jane Austen ,“Quartet (1981)” of Jean Rhys or “A Room with a View (1986)”、 “Maurice

    (1987)”and “End Howswards” of

    E.M.Forsters . All the things above indicated that the film would be very brilliant. Quite the contrary, this film didn’t match the novel, the wooden performances by Uma Thurman and Jeremy Northam certainly did not help, and the real problem is with the screenplay.James Ivory didn’t comprehended Henry James’ intention nor did he handle his writing style well. James claimed that there was no attempt to tell more of a story than what was visible on the screen, yet he and his crew just tried to film every event which they had picked in the novel. All we are left with is the scenes in which people talk about what has already ocurred. Also, the dialogue is stilted. There is nothing spontaneous in anything anyone says, and this is not a result of a more formal Edwardian diction, it's a result of an

    approach to the scenes in which characters never make discoveries before our eyes. Every change that happens happened off-screen. Of course, James Ivory's direction does absolutely nothing to clue us in on the character's inner lives,and it is left to the overwhelmed actors to do everything. No actor can carry such a heavy burden, and they all crumple under the weight.

    Now come back to the novel itself. No matter how awful the film is , it cannot take the shine of the novel. You just can’t imagine how he could wrote such a book when he was 61years old.

    Charlotte is an emancipated American girl whose beauty is as much as her poorness. She has had an affair with Amerigo, an Italian Prince. Prince always marries princess, the rather that he is a prince inherited nothing but title. So the penniless prince is about to marry Maggie, the daughter of an American billionaire Adam Verver, an industrialist and art collector. Charlotte, the

    school friend of Maggie, travels to London to attend the wedding. Before the wedding she tries to confirm Amerigo that she is completely in love with him and doesn’t care if he can take care of her or not. And she convinces Amerigo to

    accompany her in search of a present for his bride. They find a golden crystal bowl but he sees a small crack in it and rejects it.

    In a ploy to be near to Amerigo, Charlotte marries Adam. Maggie, who has always

    been very close to her father, is ecstatic that her friend has in one swoop taken away his loneliness. Still, she spends a great deal of time with him. Charlotte and Amerigo use the father-daughter relationship as an excuse for their going to parties together, including a weekend away in Gloucestershire.

    Charlotte is innocently enough keeping him company in his solitude, but soon their passions take over and they share an intimate afternoon. Aunt Fanny, who introduced Maggie to Amerigo but never revealed his past, becomes aware of there affair but hopes to protect the Ververs from the scandal.

    In due course, Maggie acquires the bowl as a present for her father. Although she doesn’t detect the flaw, the dealer believes himself mysteriously honour-bound to come to her house and tell her that the flaw is there. During

    his visit, he notices photographs of Amerigo and Charlotte; tells Maggie that they were in his shop together. Thus, she learns that they knew each other before her marriage and, as she tells Aunt Fanny, ”They went about together-they’re known to have done it. And I don’t mean only before-I mean after.”

    At last, Mr Verver, who knows everything but never shows his feelings takes Charlotte to America where his museums will be located, leaves Amerigo and Maggie together. James now throws all the switches in the last paragraph:

    [Amerigo] tried, too clearly, to please her-to meet her in her own way; but with the result only that ,close to her, her face kept before him, his hands holding her shoulders, his whole act enclosing her, he presently echoed: ”’See?’ I

    see nothing but you.” And the truth of it had, with this force, after a moment, so strangely lighted his eyes that, as for pity and dread of them, she buried her own in his breast.

     In this book, I found Charlotte the most sympathetic of all the characters, I don’t think Henry James does her justice or, perhaps, he does her too much conventional justice, a black cloth on his head as he sentences her to a living

    death. In his works the woman must always be made to suffer for sexual transgression while the man suffers not at all or, in the ease of the Prince, very little although the renewed and intensified closeness to Maggie may well be

     a rarefied punishment that James only hints at when, for the last time, he shuts the door to the golden cage on Husband and Wife Victrix.

    When I found Charlotte does not know for certain even then that Maggie knows all and still makes great efforts to conceal the affair, I feel so sorry for this poor woman. She lives in a fictive love and marries Adam, whom she does not love at all and has nothing in common with, in order to be near the man she loves as a last attempt at happiness. She thought she could retain Amerigo’s love, but how she is able to know that compared to wealth and ambition love is no more than a flawy golden bowl.

    At first I hardly noticed Adam Verver. I only knew he is Maggie’s father, he is a billionaire, he rifles a plenty of artwork in order to memorialize himself with a museum back home. But as I read on, I regard him with new interest. What is he up to? He is plainly sly and greedy, sometimes cold-blooded. Although the simultaneous possession and ingestion of confectionery is a recurrent James theme, how this father manages to keep and devour the whole great world itself.

    He can afford everything, and he buy what he want to fill his museum. He buy the son-in-law, a handsome Italian Prince for his daughter, a great name, palazzi, the artworks. He buy the brilliant Charlotte. He keeps what he owns in perfect


    The book doesn’t show unambiguously if Adam knows everything. And it seems that Adam is practically offering himself, pressing himself upon his daughter, as a sacrifice. He will take Charlotte back to American City, he will endure the aftereffects and he will leave the field to Maggie. He has been sacrificed, but has he? Certainly father and daughter are so perfectly attuned that neither has to tell the other anything at all about the unexpected pair that they have acquired for their museum. Or even the marriage between Adam and Charlotte maybe the artifice to hold the two lovers in play. I always looks on him as a omniscient. Maggie finds herself adoring him for his stillness and his power; and for the fact “ that he was always, marvelously, young which couldn’t but crown, at this juncture, his whole appeal to her imagination”.

    It is Adam who places Charlotte in her cage - a favourite Jamesian image; and James adds the image of a noose and silken cord by which Adam leads her wherever he chooses. We can imagine how it will be like from Aunt Fanny’s description:

    ”I see the long miles of ocean and the dreadful great country, State after State, which have never seemed to me so big or so terrible. I see them at last, day by day and step by step, at the far end, and I see them never come back.”

    But the victorious Maggie believes that Charlotte will soon find life back home interesting while she and her father are the real losers because they are now for ever parted.

    I think the golden bowl here is an obvious symbol, a chief metaphor. The bowl is first seen in a Bloomsbury shop by Charlotte, who wants to buy a wedding present for her friend Maggie. She cannot afford anything expensive and the bowl attracts her. But the shopkeeper overdoes it when he says that he has been saving it for a special customer, and Charlotte comes to know there must be a flaw, so she bargains. The dealer rises to challenge: “But if it’s something

    you can’t find out, isn’t it as good as if it were nothing?” Charlotte wonders how or if one can give a present that one knows to be flawed. The dealer suggests that the flaw be noted to the recipient, as a sign of good faith. In any case, the bowl is a piece of solid crystal and crystal, unlike glass, is not easily smashed, but it can shatter ”on lines and by laws of its own.”

    Charlotte decides she can’t afford the bowl, so she turns to Amerigo, who has been waiting outside. He has seen the flaw at once and rejects it “A crack is a crack, and an omen’s an omen.” So they acquire something else.

    For the moment, the bowl’s story seems over, but James has now made the golden bowl emblematic of the relations between the lovers and their legal mates. To all appearances, the world of the two couples is a flawless rare crystal, all of a piece, beautifully gilded with Adam’s money.

     The bowl is bought by Maggie as a present for her father, then she learns the flaw and the affair between her husband and her best friend. The flawed bowl is smashed into two parts and the adulterine situation is broken into three parts.

     Of the four, Amerigo is the first to detect the flaw, and though he wanted no part of the actual bowl, he himself slips easily into that adulterine situation which is the flaw in their lives. Charlotte refused to buy the bowl simply

    because she cannot pay the price, yet she accepts the adultery and pays for it with her afterlife, maybe too dear. Maggie, when eventually learns everything says: “I want happiness without a hole in it, a bowl without a crack.”

     "To be completely great," Henry James once wrote, "a work of art must lift up the heart." The Golden Bowl does impress with its many moments of psychological on my mind.

  • 《物种起源》又有新中文译本

    作者:Aisha 发布时间:2013-12-03 11:42:20

    转载《中国科学报》 (2013-11-29 第14版 读书)



















  • 【豆瓣鉴书团】战争与和平:包容还是排斥?

    作者:虫虫 发布时间:2018-12-17 16:44:09

  • 如何了解对方想要

    作者:卡其色裤子 发布时间:2013-06-27 14:06:34






  • 团扇那堪亡国恨——也说侯李结局的必然性

    作者:青鸟.Sabrina.Q 发布时间:2011-10-10 01:06:45


            曾很久不能理解,书中两人感情真挚无比,为何在久别重逢之后,在还絮絮念着“待咱夫妻还乡”的时候,竟会被张道士一言就说得两厢出家?蒋星煜教授认为:“如果虚构侯方域坚决抗清而殉难,也是悲剧,或者虚构他气节全无而投降,甘心为清廷效劳,李香君与之绝决,同样是悲剧,但康熙皇帝无论如何不可能饶恕他。原著中二人最后被动地入道,恐怕是唯一的选择,因为入道也是一种不合作,一种消极的反抗。所以处理为被动入道,使消极反抗的色彩更淡化一点,冒的风险也较少一些。就侯方域这个人物而言也显得和以前的软弱、动摇比较一致。”这种说法固然有几分道理,然而重读《桃花扇》,我却认为作者即使真的需要审时度势地改变结局,也不会仅因此就安排出一个突兀的结局。且侯方域的软弱本就表现在于私利和大义面前有时犹豫,对于个人的选择也没有明确的原则,因此就更不会因 “国在那里、家在那里”而放弃与李香君的长相厮守。再从孔尚任“写兴亡之感”的写作意图出发,我认为作者此安排虽然初读稍嫌突兀,但细细品味之下,不但合乎情理,反而比此外的诸多结局更能达到抒发“兴亡之感”的意图。


           照这样的痴情与等待,他们本是可以相聚后就此相守。然而“离”这一结局,却也在之前炙热的爱情中就早早埋下伏笔。且不说叙述剧情的《试一齣》、《加二十一齣》等,在《眠香》中的新婚之夜, “脂香粉腻满东流,夜夜春情散不收”之中,收尾诗却写“江南花发水悠悠,人到秦淮尽解愁;不管烽烟家万里,五更怀里啭歌喉”。这 “不管烽烟家万里”无疑暗示了情节的发展——他们将被卷进历史的大潮流中,“爱情”不再承担他们故事的全部重量。紧接着《辞院》中,阮圆海便借由国家的战乱来打击侯生与香君。侯李因此分离。至此,侯李的命运就与国运联系了起来。到了二十八齣《题画》,侯生重至媚香楼,末四句诗又道:“美人公子飘零尽,一树桃花似往年”。寻人不得固然是情节发展所致,但人去楼空的怅惘又兼如此诗句作结,无疑也暗示出两人不能相伴而终的末话。这一“飘零尽”更是极为切合二人的结局,可见孔尚任对这样的写法是早有安排,并非写至结局,怕因之获罪而不得以为之的了。紧接着《逮社》中侯生又唱出“当年烟月满秦楼,梦悠悠,萧声非旧。”更是用物是人非暗示了环境已彻底改变,最后二人即使相遇也不能再回到从前了。如此结局,亦合常理。








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