书籍下载屋 - 燃料电池与燃料电池汽车 - txt 下载地址 网盘 在线 2024
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燃料电池与燃料电池汽车 txt 下载地址 网盘 在线 2024

燃料电池与燃料电池汽车 txt格式下载
  • ISBN:9787567238886
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:暂无出版时间
  • 页数:263
  • 价格:暂无价格
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 原文摘录:点击查看
  • 更新时间:2024-09-06 01:20:03


  Fuel cell(FC)is an effective and environmentally friendly electrochemical power generation device, which can directly convert the chemical energy of fuel and oxidant into electric energy. Nowadays, with the increasingly serious problems of environmental pollution and energy shortage, the research & development(R&D)and application of FC technology have attracted more and more attention from governments and researchers worldwide, Compared with other types of new energy vehicles, fuel cell vehicles(FCVs)have apparent advantages. Hence, with the development of research & development and engineering of the hydrogen preparation, storage, transportation, and application of hydrogen and the breakthroughs in FC retaled technologies, FCVs will have a more important position and broad prospects in developing new energy vehicles in the future.  With the gradual practicality and marketization of FCVs, there will be more and more demand for personnel engaged in the design and manufacture, operation and maintenance, sales and promotion of FCVs. Therefore, it is urgent to cultivate engineering and technical talents to adapt to the fast growth of industry. The book is written under this background.  The book consists of 5 chapters. Chapter 1 is compiled by Wang Zhicheng, which mainly introduces the working principle, classification, development history, characteristics, and application of FCs. Chapter 2 is compiled by Qian Bin to mainly present the electrochemical basis, polarization and the test method for polarization of FCs. Chapter 3 is compiled by Wang Zhicheng and Liu Guanpeng, which mainly introduces six FC types and emphasizes proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC), solid oxide fuel cell(SOFC)and alkaline fuel cell(AFC). Chapter 4 is compiled by Wang Zhicheng to mainly introduce the preparation, purification and storage of hydrogen for FC. Chapter 5 is compiled by Zhang Huiguo and Wang Zhicheng to mainly present the knowledge and the infrastructure facilities relating to FCVs. Wang Zhicheng is in charge of the final compilation and editing of the whole book.














  Fuel cell(FC)is an effective and environmentally friendly electrochemical power generation device, which can directly convert the chemical energy of fuel and oxidant into electric energy. Nowadays, with the increasingly serious problems of environmental pollution and energy shortage, the research & development(R&D)and application of FC technology have attracted more and more attention from governments and researchers worldwide, Compared with other types of new energy vehicles, fuel cell vehicles(FCVs)have apparent advantages. Hence, with the development of research & development and engineering of the hydrogen preparation, storage, transportation, and application of hydrogen and the breakthroughs in FC retaled technologies, FCVs will have a more important position and broad prospects in developing new energy vehicles in the future.  With the gradual practicality and marketization of FCVs, there will be more and more demand for personnel engaged in the design and manufacture, operation and maintenance, sales and promotion of FCVs. Therefore, it is urgent to cultivate engineering and technical talents to adapt to the fast growth of industry. The book is written under this background.  The book consists of 5 chapters. Chapter 1 is compiled by Wang Zhicheng, which mainly introduces the working principle, classification, development history, characteristics, and application of FCs. Chapter 2 is compiled by Qian Bin to mainly present the electrochemical basis, polarization and the test method for polarization of FCs. Chapter 3 is compiled by Wang Zhicheng and Liu Guanpeng, which mainly introduces six FC types and emphasizes proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC), solid oxide fuel cell(SOFC)and alkaline fuel cell(AFC). Chapter 4 is compiled by Wang Zhicheng to mainly introduce the preparation, purification and storage of hydrogen for FC. Chapter 5 is compiled by Zhang Huiguo and Wang Zhicheng to mainly present the knowledge and the infrastructure facilities relating to FCVs. Wang Zhicheng is in charge of the final compilation and editing of the whole book.



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