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暖暖心绘本经典珍藏版(全40册) kindle 下载地址 网盘 在线 2024

暖暖心绘本经典珍藏版(全40册) kindle格式下载
  • ISBN:9787556258512
  • 作者:汤姆·巴贝尔 
  • 出版社:湖南少年儿童出版社
  • 出版时间:2021-04
  • 页数:968
  • 价格:75.60
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:48开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:童书 绘本/图画书 平装图画书 欧美 
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2024-07-24 02:50:03










海兹·雅尼什(另有译为汉斯•雅尼什、海因茨·雅尼施、 海因兹·雅尼希等)是奥地利最著名的儿童读物作家之一,1960年出生于布尔根兰州居辛,在维也纳大学学习德国语言学和出版,担任电台记者和儿童杂志编辑超过40年。他曾在奥地利广播公司工作,还为现代戏剧创作戏剧、舞蹈作品,包括为儿童改编经典作品。

他是短篇小说的大师,为读者的想象力留下了空间。他的许多作品都很幽默,有些甚至也很荒谬,但他写作中的哲学元素使他的书颇具启示。在1995年至2011年期间,他12次获维也纳市儿童图书奖。他1998年出版的Der Sonntagsriese(周日巨人)、2001年出版的Es gibt so Tage(《有些日子是这样的》)分别入选2000年、2004年IBBY荣誉榜单,并于2022年获得国际安徒生奖提名,2024年荣获国际安徒生奖作家奖。










帕特利斯•巴顿: 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校艺术系的美术学士。她的绘画作品广受赞誉,如《甜甜月儿宝贝》《罗西西的闪亮时刻》《我就喜欢旧衣服》《都是我的!》等。


























                            ——著名儿童文学作家、诗人  金波


                        ——著名翻译家、儿童文学作家  任溶溶


                   ——华东师范大学学前教育所 朱家雄 胡意慧


                             ——童话作家、阅读推广人  漪然



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    钱郭霭春的 黄帝内经素问校注语译 与 黄帝内经素问校注语译总体还不错

    P31“道者,圣人行之,愚者佩之。” 该书写成:“道者,圣人行之,愚者背之。” 一字之差,谬以千里!





    P49 东方青色,入通于肝,开窍于目,藏精于肝,其病发惊骇,其味酸,其类草木,其畜鸡,其谷麦,其应四时,






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    作者Kim Scott是原Google和Apple的中层管理人员,相比讲大道理,她讲了不少亲身经历。


    全书核心有两点:care personally, challenge directly。


    怎么做很有讲究。有人不满时会说You are shit,而乔帮主则会说Your work is shit。指出对方的错误,而不是指责其人格。这些方法因人而异,要考虑文化以及双方关系。说话注意艺术,直接挑战对方也要注意方法;同时双方关系也极其重要。良好的人际关系会让沟通更具效果。








    本书理论结合实操。Kim Scott用多年经验告诉我们实际的步骤,如何更好的处理。





    Bringing your whole self to work

    There are few things more damaging to human relationships than a sense of superiority.


    Caring personally is not about memorizing birthdays and names of family members. Nor is it about sharing the sordid details of one’s personal life, or forced chitchat at social events you’d rather not attend. Caring personally is about doing things you already know how to do. It’s about acknowledging that we are all people with lives and aspirations that extend beyond those related to our shared work. It’s about finding time for real conversations; about getting to know each other at a human level; about learning what’s important to people; about sharing with one another what makes us want to get out of bed in the morning and go to work—and what has the opposite effect.


    Challenging others and encouraging them to challenge you helps build trusting relationships because it shows 1) you care enough to point out both the things that aren’t going well and those that are and that 2) you are willing to admit when you’re wrong and that you are committed to fixing mistakes that you or others have made. But because challenging often involves disagreeing or saying no, this approach embraces conflict rather than avoiding it.

    Former Secretary of State Colin Powell once remarked that being responsible sometimes means pissing people off.


    Creating a culture of open communication

    Just remember that being a boss is a job, not a value judgment.

    Be as specific and thorough with praise as with criticism. Go deep into the details.

    Start by getting feedback, in other words, not by dishing it out. Then when you do start giving it, start with praise, not criticism. When you move on to criticism, make sure you understand where the perilous border between Radical Candor and Obnoxious Aggression is.

    Start by asking for criticism, not by giving it Don’t dish it out before you show you can take it

    Bosses get Radically Candid guidance from their teams not merely by being open to criticism but by actively soliciting it. If a person is bold enough to criticize you, do not critique their criticism. If you see somebody criticizing a peer inappropriately, say something. But if somebody criticizes you inappropriately, your job is to listen with the intent to understand and then to reward the candor.

    How do you criticize without discouraging the person? First, ......, focus on your relationship. Also, ... ask for criticism before giving it, and offer more praise than criticism. Be humble, helpful, offer guidance in person and immediately, praise in public, criticize in private, and don’t personalize.


    Helping people take a step in the direction of their dreams

    When assessing a person’s past performance, it’s useful to consider both their results and more intangible things like “teamwork.”

    your job is not to provide purpose but instead to get to know each of your direct reports well enough to understand how each one derives meaning from their work.

    Be a partner, not an absentee manager or a micromanager

    One of the most common mistakes bosses make is to ignore the people who are doing the best work because “they don’t need me” or “I don’t want to micromanage.” Ignoring somebody is a terrible way to build a relationship.

    Managers often devote more time to those who are struggling than to those who are succeeding. But that’s not fair to those who are succeeding—nor is it good for the team as a whole.

    And seeing what truly exceptional performance looks like will help those who are failing to see more clearly what’s expected of them.

    In addition to top ratings, a great way to recognize people in a rock star phase is to designate them as “gurus,” or “go-to” experts. Often this means putting them in charge of teaching newer team members, if they show the aptitude for it.

    Is it time to fire her? There’s no absolute answer to that question, but here are three questions to consider: have you given her Radically Candid guidance, do you understand the impact of Peggy’s performance on her colleagues, and have you sought advice from others?

    --If the answer is yes and you have not seen improvement, or have seen only flickers of improvement, it’s time.

    Make sure that you are seeing each person on your team with fresh eyes every day. People evolve, and so your relationships must evolve with them. Care personally; don’t put people in boxes and leave them there.


    Telling people what to do doesn’t work

    “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”

    The process, which I call the “Get Stuff Done” (GSD) wheel, is relatively straightforward.

    GSD wheel:

    listen -> clarify -> debate -> decide -> persuade -> execute -> learn, and backforth

    Jony Ive, Apple’s chief design officer, once said at an Apple University class that a manager’s most important role is to “give the quiet ones a voice.” I love this. Google CEO Eric Schmidt took the opposite approach, urging people to “Be loud!”

    You have to find a way to listen that fits your personal style, and then create a culture in which everyone listens to each other, so that all the burden of listening doesn’t fall on you.

    Some people feel a quiet listener is not listening at all but instead setting a trap: waiting for others to say the wrong thing so they can pounce. If you’re a quiet listener, then, you need to take steps to reassure those made uncomfortable by your style.

    It’s hard enough to get yourself to listen to your team members and let them know you are listening; getting them to listen to one another is even harder. The keys are 1) have a simple system for employees to use to generate ideas and voice complaints, 2) make sure that at least some of the issues raised are quickly addressed, and 3) regularly offer explanations as to why the other issues aren’t being addressed.

    At Google, people constantly came to me with good ideas—more than I could handle, in fact—and it became overwhelming. So I organized an “ideas team” to consider them. For context, I circulated an article from Harvard Business Review (HBR) that explained how a culture that captures thousands of “small” innovations can create benefits for customers that are impossible for competitors to imitate. One big idea is pretty easy to copy, but thousands of tweaks are impossible to see from the outside, let alone imitate.

    Nothing is a bigger time-sucker or blocker to getting it right than ego. On a broad level, this means intervening when you start to sense that people are thinking, “I’m going to win this argument,” or “my idea versus your idea,” or “my recommendation versus your recommendation,” or “my team feels…” Redirect them to focus on the facts; don’t allow people to attribute ownership to ideas, and don’t get hijacked by how others who aren’t in the room might (or might not) feel.

    Another way to help people search for the best answer instead of seeking ego validation is to make them switch roles. If a person has been arguing for A, ask them to start arguing for B. If a debate is likely to go on for some time, warn people in advance that you’re going to ask them to switch roles. When people know that they will be asked to argue another person’s point, they will naturally listen more attentively.

    One of the reasons that people find debate stressful or annoying is that often half the room expects a decision at the end of the meeting and the other half wants to keep arguing in a follow-up meeting. One way to avoid this tension is to separate debate meetings and decision meetings. Another way to ease the anxiety of the people who want to know when the decision will get made is to have a “decide by” date next to each item being debated.

    I recommend setting up a weekly “big debate” meeting.

    That is why kick-ass bosses often do not decide themselves, but rather create a clear decision-making process that empowers people closest to the facts to make as many decisions as possible. Not only does that result in better decisions, it results in better morale.

    The decider should get facts, not recommendations

    When collecting information for a decision, we are often tempted to ask people for their recommendations—“What do you think we should do?”—but as one executive I worked with at Apple explained to me, people tend to put their egos into recommendations in a way that can lead to politics, and thus worse decisions.

    Even explaining the decision is not enough, because that addresses only the logic; you have to address your listener’s emotions as well. And you must establish that the decider, whether that’s you or somebody else on your team, has credibility if you expect others to execute on the decision.

    But even more democratic, open bosses often get so lost in explaining the rationale for a decision that they forget how people must feel about it, or vice versa.

    Aristotle was troubled that so much rhetoric and persuasion came down to manipulating people’s emotions. He thought that there had to be a better way to get an idea across to a large number of people who don’t have the time or knowledge to understand it completely. He resolved this by explaining that to be legitimately persuasive a speaker must address the audience’s emotions but also establish the credibility and share the logic of the argument.

    When Steve Jobs had an idea, he wouldn’t just describe the idea; he’d share how he got to it. He showed his work.

    But you need to learn to toggle between leading and executing personally. Don’t abandon the first for the second; integrate the two. If you get too far away from the work your team is doing, you won’t understand their ideas well enough to help them clarify, to participate in debates, to know which decisions to push them to make, to teach them to be more persuasive. The GSD wheel will grind to a halt if you don’t understand intimately the “stuff” your team is trying to get done.

    It can take almost superhuman discipline to step back, acknowledge when our results could be a lot better or are simply no good, and learn from the experience.



    An approach to establishing trust with your direct reports

    In life, I learned that too much emphasis on shareholder value actually destroys value, as well as morale. Instead, I learned to focus first on staying centered myself, so that I could build real relationships with each of the people who worked for me. Only when I was centered and my relationships were strong could I fulfill my responsibilities as a manager to guide my team to achieve the best results.

    Hard times are made much harder when you’re not at your best. And they can make it particularly hard to “care personally” about the people you work with, not to mention those you live with.

    The essence of leadership is not getting overwhelmed by circumstances.

    It’s even more important to focus on making time for whatever keeps you centered when you are stressed and busy than when things are relatively calm.

    You can guide your team to get results if you’ve built a trusting relationship with each person reporting to you, and there can only be real trust when people feel free at work. The first rule of building the kind of relationship with the people that will make them feel free at work is to relinquish unilateral authority.

    Building trust in any relationship takes time because trust is built on a consistent pattern of acting in good faith. It’s a big mistake to assume too much trust too quickly (e.g., by prying into deeply personal questions when you barely know a person). On the other hand, you do need to start somewhere.

    Probably the most important thing you can do to build trust is to spend a little time alone with each of your direct reports on a regular basis.

    You don’t have to share the same deeply personal values to build good relationships at work; and it’s a terrible idea to try to convince your colleagues that your values are “right” and theirs are “wrong.” But you do need to respect other people’s values when they do share them with you.

    A radically candid relationship starts with the basic respect and common decency that every human being owes each other, regardless of worldview. Once again, the work is the bond everybody on a team does share, and the most productive way to strengthen that bond is by learning how to work together in ways that benefit everyone involved.

    If you have a truly terrible emotional upset in your life, stay home for a day. You don’t want to spread it around any more than you’d want to spread a bad virus around the office, and emotions are just as contagious as germs.

    Emotional reactions can offer important clues to help you better understand what’s really going on with the people you manage.

    So don’t respond to outbursts or sullen silences by pretending they are not happening. Don’t try to mitigate them by saying things like, “It’s not personal,” or “Let’s be professional.” Instead say, “I can see you’re mad/frustrated/elated/____”

    When somebody is frustrated or angry or upset enough about a situation at work that they react emotionally, this is your cue to keep asking questions until you understand what the real issue is. Don’t over-direct the conversation; just keep listening and it will become clear.

    BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS WITH your direct reports takes time and real energy. Sometimes, especially when things are not going well, this will be the most depleting part of your job. Remembering that it is central to your job will help. And if you can power through these times, you may find as I have that these relationships give your work meaning far beyond the results that you achieve together.

    6. GUIDANCE:

    Ideas for getting/giving/ encouraging praise & criticism

    That’s why when you become the boss it’s important to work so hard to earn your team’s trust. You may be worried about earning their respect, and that’s natural. Unfortunately, though, being overly focused on respect can backfire because it’ll make you feel extra defensive when criticized. If, on the other hand, you can listen to the criticism and react well to it, both trust and respect will follow.

    When you encourage people to criticize you publicly, you get the chance to show your team that you really, genuinely want the criticism.

    When you’re the boss, it’s awkward to ask your direct reports to tell you frankly what they think of your performance—even more awkward for them than it is for you. To help, I adopted a go-to question that Fred Kofman, author of Conscious Business and my coach at Google, suggested. “Is there anything I could do or stop doing that would make it easier to work with me?”

    Most people will initially respond to your question with something along the lines of “Oh, everything is fine, thank you for asking,” and hope that’s the end of the conversation.

    One technique is to count to six before saying anything else, forcing them to endure the silence. The goal is not to be a bully but to insist on a candid discussion—to make it harder for the person to say nothing than to tell you what they’re thinking.

    ...... developed a technique called “situation behavior impact” to help leaders be more precise and therefore less arrogant when giving feedback. This simple technique reminds you to describe three things when giving feedback: 1) the situation you saw, 2) the behavior (i.e., what the person did, either good or bad), and 3) the impact you observed. This helps you avoid making judgments about the person’s intelligence, common sense, innate goodness, or other personal attributes.

    If you wait too long to give guidance, everything about it gets harder.

    Be sure to let people know immediately how their work is being received. If you ask somebody to do work to help you prepare for a meeting or a presentation where that person won’t be present, be sure to let them know the reaction to their work.

    I found that praising people at a public all-hands meeting was a great way to share significant accomplishments. However, I often found that following up in person at a 1:1 carried more emotional weight, and following up with an email to the whole team carried more lasting weight.

    When offering guidance to your boss, use the same tips above: be helpful, humble, do it immediately and in person, praise in public (if it doesn’t look like kissing up), criticize in private, and don’t personalize.

    The ability to be Radically Candid with your boss is crucial to your success. One of the most difficult things about being a middle manager ... is that you often wind up responsible for executing decisions that you disagree with. This can feel like a Catch-22. If you tell your team you do agree with the decisions, you feel like a liar—or at the very least, inauthentic. If you tell your team that you don’t agree with the decisions, you look weak, insubordinate, or both.

    Radical Candor is the way out of this dilemma.

    Asking each of my direct reports to give me a performance review before I gave them one was helpful. The main advantage here was that it made the review feel more like a two-way conversation and less like an arrogant one-way judgment.

    Spend half the time looking back (diagnosis), half the time looking forward (plan).

    ONE OF THE most important ways to create an environment in which Radical Candor trumps political BS is to never let one person on your team talk to you about another behind their back.

    ROXANE WALES, WHO worked first at NASA and then in Learning and Development at Google, once told me that one of the most important things any manager of managers could do to foster a culture of guidance was to have so-called “skip level meetings.”

    Never have a skip level meeting without prior consent of your direct report. Instead, ask the managers who report to you to explain the whole thing to their teams beforehand. It’s vital that everyone understands that the meeting with you is in support of, not an attack on, their boss.

    Project the notes you take during the meeting, and let people know that you will share them with the manager.

    THE KEY TO success when implementing any of these suggestions is to return to core principles, rather than following step-by-step instructions....

    Whenever you feel yourself getting lost in the weeds, simply return to these two questions: “Am I showing my team that I care personally?” and “Am I challenging each person directly?” If the answer to both questions is yes, you’re doing just fine.

    7. TEAM:

    Techniques for avoiding boredom and burnout

    He taught every manager on his team to have a succession of three forty-five-minute conversations with each direct report over the course of three to six weeks.

    Russ’s approach was so successful that an internal survey of employee satisfaction showed the people on his team displaying a marked increase in optimism about their futures at Google and their positive feelings about their managers. Nobody from HR had ever seen such an improvement.

    Conversation one: life story

    The second conversation: dreams

    Russ suggests encouraging people to come up with three to five different dreams for the future. This allows employees to include the dream they think you want to hear as well as those that are far closer to their hearts.

    The final part of Russ’s second conversation involves making sure that the person’s dreams are aligned with the values they have expressed.

    Conversation three: eighteen-month plan

    Helping people clarify values and dreams and then aligning them as closely as possible with their current work will invariably make your team stronger.

    Too often, the people who have the most senior roles are given the highest ratings when in fact they are surfing on the productivity of the people working for them. Don’t let that happen!

    In practice, most management teams respond in the reverse manner—a greater percentage of senior rather than junior people get put in the superstar box. If this happens, ask some hard questions and make sure there’s an identifiable, justifiable reason for it.

    An example of a good prescreen is a skills assessment: ask potential candidates to do a project or solve a problem related to the job they’re applying for. This will weed out a number of candidates who look good on paper but can’t actually do the work. It will also give candidates who’d be great at the job but look bad on paper the opportunity to interview.

    Four people is about the right size for an interview committee. Ideally, the interviewing committee is diverse....It’s also helpful if at least one of the interviewers is on another team. This prevents “desperation hiring.” When there’s a “hole” on a team, people become so eager to fill the position that they ignore warning signals. Somebody who isn’t feeling the pain of the hole on the team as acutely is more likely to point out these danger signs.

    Casual interviews reveal more about team fit than formal ones.

    Another good practice is to have people intentionally create more casual moments—take candidates to lunch, walk them to the car. Ask the receptionist and schedulers if they had any reaction to the candidate. In unguarded moments, candidates will do or say revealing things.

    Make interviews productive by jotting down your thoughts right away. Write down your interview feedback; doing that is as clarifying for you as it is for the rest of the committee, and it will result in better hiring decisions.

    The best advice I ever got for hiring somebody is this: if you’re not dying to hire somebody, don’t make an offer.

    Firing people is hard, and it ought to be hard. But if you do three things, you can make it far, far easier on the person you are firing—as well as on yourself and your team.

    Don’t wait too long

    Don’t make the decision unilaterally

    Give a damn

    Follow up

    Announcing promotions breeds unhealthy competition for the wrong things: documentation of status rather than development of skill.

    Focus on the work the person is doing, not the status they’ve achieved in the company for doing it.

    THERE ARE FEW pleasures greater than being part of a team where everyone loves their job and loves working together. You can build a team like that if you have career conversations with each of the people on your team, create growth-management plans for each person who works for you once a year, hire the right people, fire the appropriate people, promote the right people, and reward the people who are doing great work but who shouldn’t be promoted, and offer yourself as a partner to your direct reports.

    8. RESULTS:

    Things you can do to get stuff done together—faster

    Whether you want a structured agenda or you prefer a more free-flowing meeting, the agenda itself should be directed by your direct report, not you. Your job is to hold people accountable when they come unprepared—or to decide that it’s fine to have an agenda-less 1:1 from time to time.

    If you hear only good news, it’s a sign people don’t feel comfortable coming to you with their problems, or they think you won’t or can’t help. In these cases, you need to ask explicitly for the bad news. Don’t let the issue drop till you hear some.

    An effective staff meeting has three goals: it reviews how things have gone the previous week, allows people to share important updates, and forces the team to clarify the most important decisions and debates for the coming week.

    I have found that the most effective solution is simply to fight fire with fire. For the same reason, I blocked off think-time in calendar; I also found it necessary to block off time in my calendar to be alone and execute. I encouraged others to do the same. This helped them say “no” to more unnecessary meetings.

    Awareness of these small problems can be useful in several ways.

    First they’ll help you find the devil in the details.

    Second, being aware of small problems and maybe even rolling up your sleeves and fixing them yourself is the best way to kill the “it’s not my job” or, worse, the “that’s beneath me” mentality on your team. If nothing is beneath your attention, then others will pay attention to details as well.

    Third, when you show that you care about the small things that contribute to customer happiness or the quality of life on your team, suddenly everybody cares more about them, and some of the big things start working better, too.

    “CULTURE EATS STRATEGY for lunch.” A team’s culture has an enormous impact on its results, and a leader’s personality has a huge impact on a team’s culture. Who you are as a human being impacts your team’s culture enormously.

    When you become the boss, you are under the microscope. People do listen to you in an intense way you never experienced before you became a manager. They attribute meaning—sometimes accurately, sometimes not—to what you say, to the clothes you wear, to the car you drive. In some ways, becoming a boss is like getting arrested. Everything you say or do can and will be used against you.

    When you’re the boss and shit happens, it’s your responsibility to learn from it and make a change. If you don’t, you create a culture that doesn’t learn from its mistakes.

    The most amazing thing about a culture is that once it’s strong, it’s self-replicating.


    Now it’s time to start putting the suggestions in this book into practice.


    EXPLAIN RADICAL CANDOR to your team so they understand what you’re up to. You can also ask them to read the book, or show them videos that are on the Radical Candor website. But it’s best if you explain it in your own words.


    START ASKING YOUR team to criticize you. ... And remember, don’t let people off the hook when they don’t say much—because they won’t, at first. Embrace the discomfort to move past it. Pay close attention if you aren’t getting any criticism.

    Soliciting guidance, especially criticism, is not something you do once and check off your list—this will now be something you do daily.

    Now you’re ready to start having career conversations. Begin “career conversations” with your team. Start with people whom you’ve been working with for the longest.

    Like getting criticism from your team, “career conversations” are not something you do once and check off the list. Remember, people change, and you need to change with them!

    In parallel: perfect your 1:1 conversations.

    Next. After you have explained Radical Candor, asked for guidance, had career conversations, and improved your 1:1 conversations, you’ll notice that you are earning your team’s trust and building a better culture. Now you’re ready to start improving the way you give impromptu praise and criticism. Remember, impromptu guidance happens best in one- to two-minute conversations.

    Take a deep breath. Assess.

    Don’t try to do more new things until you feel 1) you’ve made good progress on the fundamental building block of management: getting and giving guidance, 2) you’ve gotten to know your direct reports better, and 3) you’re happy with your 1:1s.

    If the answer to these three questions is “yes,” you’re ready to perfect staff meetings, decisions, and debates for your team.

    Return to guidance. Make sure you are encouraging guidance between people on your team. Establish a “no backstabbing” or require a “clean escalation” norm on your team.

    Fight meeting proliferation. Make sure you’re not getting overscheduled. Think very consciously about what you are doing that you can stop doing. Put some think time in your calendar.

    Plan for the future of your team. Start doing a growth-management plan for each person on your team.

    Return to guidance. Ask your team to start gauging each other’s guidance. There are more of them than there are of you, so anything you can do to get them to give one another more Radically Candid praise and criticism will reinforce a Radically Candid culture and provide you with more leverage than any amount of guidance you can give or get personally.

    Walk around. ... Put aside some time each week to walk around and have informal spontaneous chats with people. If you have a feeling that things are still not going well, and that there’s a lot of skepticism on the team, go back to step one.

    Begin to take a more Radically Candid approach to the processes that your company may have in place. Be Radically Candid when hiring, firing, promoting (see chapter seven), as well as giving formal performance reviews (see chapter six).

    Don’t get too bogged down in the details before plunging in, though, because it is the rewards of the process that will keep you energized and moving forward. Remember: once you build Radically Candid relationships with the people who report to you, you will eliminate a terrible source of misery in the world: the bad boss.

  • 不一样的曹操

    作者:小狐女 发布时间:2018-04-29 00:06:28







  • 《白话史记》书、表

    作者:Viglo 发布时间:2018-12-24 15:57:16




    ★“礼由人起。人生有欲,欲而不得则不能无忿,忿而无度量则争,争则乱。先王恶其乱,故制礼义以养人之欲,给人之 求,使欲不穷于物,物不屈于欲,二者相待而长,是礼之所起 也。故礼者养也。稻粱五味,所以养口也;椒兰芬苣,所以养 鼻也;钟鼓管弦,所以养耳也;刻镂文章,所以养目也;疏房 床笫几席,所以养体也。故礼者养也。”


























    ★汉朝兴起时,承接了秦的衰弱局面,财政匮乏,百姓无余粮。当时秦的钱币过重,于是改用瑜荚钱(指钱体轻薄如榆树之荚 ( 榆钱 ) 的小钱),规定一寸黄金一斤,简约法律。有些不守规矩的人便囤积货物,贱卖贵卖,致使一石米达一万钱,一匹马高一百金。






    ★ 由于各大农(即大司农,秦汉时全国财政经济的主管官﹐后逐渐演变为专掌国家仓廪或劝课农桑之官)所属的官吏控制着货物的价格,而导致商人无获取巨利润的机会了,所有物价不会太浮动,由于此,故曰“平准”。


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